The YES Charter Elementary School Blanket Project in Houston was set up at the request of the Dept of Texas Sons of the American Legion. The state SAL Commander, Tom Arista, received a phone call from the National SAL Commander asking Texas to adopt this project of furnishing 300 blankets for the children at this school who were mostly underprivileged and homeless. Posts, Units, & SAL Squadrons all over Texas contributed funds, including $100 from Auxiliary Unit 521 to purchase the blankets. The blanket orders, which totaled over $1000, were coordinated by Beaumont Unit 33 President Christine Trahan, and all blankets were shipped to Carlene Ashworth’s home for a holding place until they could be delivered. The blankets were delivered to the school on November 6. In attendance at the school was Natl SAL Vice Commander Juan Torres, Post 472 Houston; Auxiliary Dept President Teresa Copeland, Unit 137, McAllen; Texas Auxiliary National Executive Committee Woman Christine Trahan, Beaumont Unit 33, Past National President Carlene Ashworth, Unit 521; ALA Unit 521 President Maria Holmes and other members of the 8th, 22nd, and 2nd Districts.
Auxiliary Unit 521 once again participated in the semi annual Community Food Drive by setting up a collection box in the lobby of the Post for non perishable food drop off during the month of November. The collected food from members of the Post and Unit was valued at approximately $300. It was delivered to Pasadena City Hall on November 22 by Unit President Maria Holmes & Secretary Carlene Ashworth.
At the same time of the food drop off about ten boxes of various household items and men’s clothing was donated to Jackson Intermediate School’s Wildcat Jamboree Christmas program. Families of the students attending the school could shop for free taking any items they may need or want during this program held at the school.